What are you doing to become financially independent?
Most of us struggle just to get through the day with little thought to our financial futures but wouldn’t it be nice to reach a point where work became an option and not a necessity!
Here are three things you need to do to attain financial independence:
1) Spend less than you make.
Duh…but how many Canadian households fail to do this? The answer is far too many!
2) Pay yourself first.
Are you saving a percentage of everything you make or just scraping by paycheque to paycheque?
3) Get out of debt.
Start with bad debt like credit cards and car loans. Then work on paying off good debt like mortgages.
How many of these basic financial principles are you following? If you’re doing all three you’re on your way but I would bet that most households are struggling to do even one.
Remember, the first step to a solution is admitting you have a problem!
If I can be of any assistance in getting you back on track please let me know!
Andy MacDonald
Mortgage Broker & Investment Advisor
Phone: 289-400-3420
Email: <http://www.privatedaddy.com/?q=ZGZkIWZobgJJBw49SVFfZDNSDwVwaHlXNA-3D-3D_19>
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