I’m happy to launch my new web site. Welcome!
I need to thank Mandi Gould for all her hard work on developing this site. I think she did a great job and I could not have done it without her! If anyone out there is looking for a virtual assistant or event planner I would not hesitate to recommend Mandi. She delivered on everything she promised faster than I could keep up! Check out her web site at: http://mandigould.com
Over the coming days, weeks, and months, I will be writing articles on personal finance directed at every day Canadians. Stay tuned!
In the mean time please show us some “Likes” and like us on Facebook!
Thank you in advance!
Andy MacDonald
Mortgage Broker & Investment Advisor
Phone: 289-400-3420
Email: <http://www.privatedaddy.com/?q=aGphbGpka09FCwtwRV1aKT9eCkh8ZHVSeQ-3D-3D_19>